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Ointment Mills for Pharmacy

When should you consider an additional mill?

By March 9, 2018 February 28th, 2022 No Comments

Whether you already own an EXAKT ointment mill or a mill from another manufacturer, the EXAKT 50EC+ is the best choice when considering additional mills. The EXAKT 50EC+ is a modular ointment mill, designed with removable rollers for easy, efficient cleaning. With the purchase of an extra set of rollers, you can increase efficiency in your pharmacy by having a clean set ready for your next preparation. Depending upon the product being milled, this machine produces output quantities from .02 to 7 liters per hour. Removable rollers cut down on cleaning time and cross-contamination between preparations! Remove and clean rollers with confidence! If you are processing 3-5kg at a time several times per week, or you anticipate continued growth of your topical business, you may need to consider the EXAKT 80 S Plus or EXAKT 80E Plus.


EXAKT EC+ Ointment Mill